Tag Archives: τραγική-ποίηση ξενόγλωσσο

Μετάφραση της “Αντιγόνης” του Σοφοκλή στη γλώσσα των ελληνοφώνων της Κάτω Ιταλίας

24grammata.com- free ebook  πρώτη παρουσίαση  επιμέλεια: Γιώργος Δαμιανός Γκρίκο: Α σού φαίνετα τι έκαμα αν [...]


  Διαλογικά μέρη Euripides “ΒACCHAE” ΕΥΡΙΠΙΔΟΥ «BAΚΧΑΙ» Μετάφραση: Μαρίκα Θωμαδάκη γλώσσα: αγγλική – νέα ελληνική 24grammata.com / [...]

Greek tragedy between human and animal

CHIARA THUMIGER   (UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON) 24grammata.com/ free ebook (κατηγορία: επιστημονικές μελέτες) [download] ABSTRACT: This article [...]

Ιφιγένεια (Ifigeneia) του Μ. Κακογιάννη (Ειρήνη Παππά/ Κώστας Καζάκος)

24grammata.com culture WebTV http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXVt8drTo_U&feature=related 24grammata.com/ θέατρο / τραγική ποίηση Η Ιφιγένεια (1977) που διεκδίκησε το [...]

Sophocles’ Antigone – Aντιγόνη, Σοφοκλή

Introduction, translation, and notes by Marianne McDonald, Ph.D., MRIA 24grammata.com/ free ebook [download] Introduction Sophocles [...]


Jens Holzhausen, Free University of Berlin 24grammata.com/ free ebook [download] The mysteries of Dionysus have [...]

Philoctetes – Φιλοκτήτης

Sophocles – Σοφοκλής Translated, with Introduction and Notes, by Peter Meineck and Paul Woodruff 24grammata.com- [...]

Euripides – Iphigenia at Aulis

Euripides 24grammata.com / ebooks Description: Iphigenia in Aulis is the last extant work of the [...]

The acoustic model of the Greek theatre

Benoit Beckers & Nicoletta Borgia Urban Systems Engineering Department Compiègne University of Technology (France) 24grammata.com/ [...]

Euripides – The Iphigenia in Tauris

Euripides 24grammata.com / ebooks Description: Iphigenia in Tauris is a drama by the playwright Euripides, [...]

Agamemnon by Aeschylus

Αγαμέμνων του Αισχύλου 24grammata.com- free ebook [download] Agamemnon is the first play in a trilogy [...]

Euripides – Alcestis

Euripides 24grammata.com / ebooks Description: Alcestis is an Athenian tragedy by the ancient Greek playwright [...]

Euripides – Andromache

Euripides 24grammata.com / ebooks Description: In Greek mythology, Andromache was the wife of Hector and [...]

HIPPOLYTUS by Euripides

24grammata.com / free ebooks A summary and analysis of the play by Euripides This document [...]

Aspects of Ancient Greek Drama

24grammata.com- free ebook [download] Drama The history of Western drama begins in the mid-sixth century [...]


Sophocles (442 BC) translation by Ian Johnston of Malaspina University-College, Nanaimo, BC. 24grammata.com/ free ebook [...]

Δείτε την ταινία “Φαίδρα” (Μελίνα Μερκούρη, Anthony Perkins)

24grammata.com/ κινηματογράφος Phaedra – Φαίδρα – 1962 – Μοντέρνα διασκευή του “Ιππόλυτου” του Ευριπίδη, η [...]

Euripides – Trojan women

Euripides 24grammata.com / ebooks Description: The Trojan Women is a tragedy by the Greek playwright [...]

Greek Theatre in the Context of Cult and Culture

Lada Stevanović, Institute of Etnography, SASA, Belgrade 24grammata.com/ free ebooks/ english [download] Different Theoretical Approaches [...]