Βιβλία για τον Δημήτρη Τσαφέντα / Books about Tsafendas

24grammata.com /απόδημος ελληνισμός / αφιέρωμα: Τσαφέντας / Tsafentas (κλικ εδώ)


The Assassin:
A Story of Race and Rage in the Land of Apartheid
Henk Van Woerden, Dan Jacobson

On September 6, 1966, Dimitri Tsafendas entered South Africa’s parliament, gripping a wickedly long knife, and stabbed Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd four times in the chest. This chilling study of the life of Tsafendas—the homeless, stateless, and loveless illegitimate son of a Greek father and a black African mother—gives us acrystalline vision of the tragic consequences of apartheid.

H μετάφραση του έργου στην Ιταλική γλώσσα και τα σχόλια που δέχτηκε από τον Ιταλικό Τύπο

Demitrios Tsafendas detto Mimis ha trascorso venticinque anni in giro per il mondo. Ha fatto mille mestieri. Parla cinque lingue. Ha in tasca tre passaporti.Improvvisamente, decide di tornare a casa, in Sudafrica, per ammazzare un uomo.
Chi era davvero Mimis: un marinaio squilibrato, un pazzo, un maniaco?
E quell’uccisione fu veramente un gesto di pura follia?
Mimis fu semplicemente l’assassino?
Henk van Woerden, L’assassino, Traduzione di Franco Paris, Biblioteca di Cargo, 192 pp., 12,00 euro, 88-6005-097-9

Leggi la rassegna stampa
Un libro bellissimo, angoscioso, toccante…
Pietro Veronese, «la Repubblica»
Da non perdere.
Fulvio Scaglione, «Famiglia Cristiana»
Storia di una diversità senza rimedio, di una scissione.
Enzo Di Mauro, «Corriere della Sera»
Bellissimo… un libro inclassificabile. Nelle pagine di L’assassino, la realtà diventa di fatto poetica: e senza la camicia di forza delle ideologie, senza l’esibizionismo della retorica, racconta molto di se stessa e di noi.
Giuseppe Montesano, «Il Mattino»
Uno tringente, intenso libro tra storia romanzata e rigore investigativo.
Claudio Gorlier, «La Stampa – TuttoLibri»
Il romanzo di van Woerden ha la cruda onestà dei grandi reportage e il piglio trascinante dell’avventura che a tratti ricorda certe pagine di Ambler.
Diego Marani, «Il Sole 24 ore – Domenica»
Una fusione perfetta tra biografia e romanzo: un’opera rivelatrice.
John Maxwell Coetzee
Un romanzo straordinario sulla follia dei nostri giorni.
«The Times»
Sunday Times Alan Paton Award 2001
Frans Kellendonk Prize 2003




The Tragedy of Apartheid in South Africa: Hendrik F. Verwoerd and Dimitri Tsafendas Meet at the Crossroads
by Dickson A Mungazi





A Mouthful of Glass

by Henk van Woerden, Dan Jacobson (Translator)

A short, tough story of an assassin – the man who killed Hendrick Verwoerd, the racist prime minister of South Africa, in 1966. The killer was a man lost between the races, maddened by not knowing who or what he was. Born in Mozambique of a Greek father and African mother, Demitrios Tsafendas thought he was white until his father abandoned him. He then discovered that he was “coloured”. He spent 25 years wandering the world looking for a home, growing stranger and more desperate. In 1965 he arrived in South Africa and got a job in the Parliament building – a job reserved for whites. Then he bought a knif


Antony Sher

Account of the trial of Demitrios Tsafendas by Judge Wilfred Cooper who led his defence

Written by – and starring – Antony Sher, this stunning play about the assassination of Verwoerd opens the refurbished – and much admired – Almeida Theatre I.D. tells of how one, Demetrios Tsafendas, came to assassinate Hendrik Verwoerd, President of South Africa and the chief architect of Apartheid. We first meet Tsafendas in a mental hospital in 1999, then track back through his life. Born in Mozambique, son of a Cretan father and a ‘Cape coloured’ mother, Tsafendas fetches up in mid-sixties South Africa, in the grip of new laws on racial segregation. He cannot marry the woman of his dreams because she is classified ‘Coloured’ while he is W for ‘White’. Sickened by this injustice and goaded by his monstrous Doppelganger – a walking manifestation of the giant tapeworm he believes took root in him as a child – Tsafendas stabs the President on the floor of the House in full view of his wife, his bodyguard and a chamber full of MPs. A tour de force of drama, politics and expressionism, I.D. is sensationally good – one of the most exciting playwriting debuts in many years. Directed by Nancy Meckler of Shared Experience fame, I.D. opens the newly refurbished Almeida Theatre with the author himself playing Tsafendas and Alex Fearns (from EastEnders) as his Doppelganger.




Granta 69: The Assassin (Granta: The Magazine of New Writing) [Paperback]
Ian Jack (Editor)

Product Details
Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: Grove Press, Granta; First edition. edition (February 6, 2001)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0964561190
In a powerful piece of imagination, Henk van Woerden reconstructs the strange, affecting history of Demetrios Tsafendas — the man who assassinated Hendrik Verwoerd, South African premier and architect of apartheid. Also in this issue: Diana Athill on the need to like V. S. Naipaul; Richard Williams on the search for a long-lost jazz trumpeter; and stories by Graham Swift, Hanif Kurieshi, and Paul Theroux.


Living in Strange Lands:
The Testimony of Dimitri Tsafendas
Anton Robert Krueger

Playscripts Incorporated, 2003 – 30 σελίδες
In 1966, Dimitri Tsafendas irrevocably altered the course of South African history by assassinating Henrik Verwoerd, the founder of Apartheid. He was classified insane and remained incarcerated until his death in 1999. He was never recognized by any of the various freedom movements in South Africa, including the African National Congress, as having achieved anything significant. His motivations have never been fully explored, and whether his act was one of madness or morality remains a mystery. This thoroughly researched play approaches Tsafendas as tragic hero, and presents the possibility that he may well have been a sane man living in a strange land.

