Πόντος – Κρυπτοχριστιανοί Πόντιοι

24grammata.com- βίντεο/ ιστορία
Οι Πόντιοι επιβιώνουν ακόμα, παρά τά φοβερά μαρτύρια πού έχουν υποστεί από τά τούρκικα θηρία. Pontians speak a language that is not turkish, they dance an ancient cyclic dance. They are different from Turks. They live in Pontos 2500 years before the turkish invasion of Minor Asia. They were converted to muslims to save their lives. Their common love is kemetzes (music instrument) and pyriheios (pontian dance). Those who remained orthodox christians were slaughtered by the kemalists in 1914-1922. This was a genocide commited under the protection of european governments.
