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Ο κ, Νταρουίζ είναι Μορφωτικός Ακόλουθος της Πρεσβείας της Αιγύπτου στην Αθήνα, διευθυντής του μορφωτικού κέντρου, και αναπληρωτής καθηγητής του Πανεπιστημίου του Καΐρου.
Ερευνητής της Αρχαίας Ελληνικής Λογοτεχνίας. Έχει μεταφράσει στα Αραβικά: Σολωμό Καβάφη και άλλους
Dr. Hisham Abdel Alim Bakr Darwish
Egyptian. Associate professor , Department of Classics – Faulty of Arts – Cairo University. Cultural Attaché in The Egyptian Embassy in Athens & Director of the Egyptian Cultural Center In Athens. Qualification obtained from : Athens University . Faculty of Philosophy. 2001, in ancient Greek Drama
Researches (in Ancient Greek Literature):
“Ritual Symmetry and dramatic “Agon” in the Bacchae , the Cyclops and the Frogs”, Classical Papers 5 , 2004.
“Ritual Structure between Greek Drama and Ritual Performances in Ancient Orient” Comparisons 2 , 2007.
“Isis and Osiris and the Narrative Texture in Heliodorus’ Aithiopika”, Classical Papers 7, 2007.
“Ishtar and the Ancient Greek Literature” , Comparisons 3 2009.
Time between Gilgamesh and the Odyssey”, The Epistle of The Orient 2009.
Articles (about Modern Greek and Arabic Literature):
“Kornaros and the Cretan Poetry in the Period of the Venetian colonialism” , Πάπυροι 2, 2008.
“The Role of the Poet between Ahmed Shaouki and Dionysos Solomos”, Πάπυροι 3, 2009.
Greek Mythology and History between Kamil Kilany and Penolopy Delta.. Πάπυροι. 6. 2010
Translations from English , Arabic and Modern Greek
- participation in the translation of Cambridge History of Criticism (Medieval)
Modern Greek and Arabic poems , short stories and articles.
Greek-Arabic Dictionary “Eratothenis”. (edition). Athens . 2009.