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Ποιος είναι ο Χριστόφορος Πισσαρίδης (τιμήθηκε με το Νόμπελ Οικονομίας 2010);
Ποιο το πλούσιο βιογραφικό του Christopher Pissarides και γιατί βραβεύτηκε;
Συγκεντρωτική εργογραφία του
Οι προτάσεις του Χριστόφορου Πισσαρίδη για την οικονομική σωτηρία της Ελλάδας (24grammata.com)
Ο ελληνοκύπριος Χριστόφορος Πισσαρίδης βραβεύτηκε μαζί με τους Αμερικανούς Πίτερ Ντάιμοντ και Ντέιλ Μόρτενσεν με το Νόμπελ Οικονομίας 2010. Το Νόμπελ τους απονεμήθηκε για μια μέθοδο ανάλυσης των αγορών, ανακοίνωσε από τη Στοκχόλμη η Επιτροπή απονομής των Νόμπελ. Ποιός είναι ο Χριστόφορος Πισσαρίδης;
Ο καθηγητής Χριστόφορος Πισσαρίδης (Christopher Pissarides) γεννήθηκε στη Λευκωσία το 1948. Είναι Καθηγητής Οικονομικών στο London School of Economics and Political Science και Διευθυντής του ερευνητικού προγράμματος στη μακροοικονομική του Centre for Economic Performance του London School of Economics. Ειδικεύεται σε θέματα αγοράς εργασίας και έρευνας οικονομικής πολιτικής. Έχει πολύ πλούσια και αξιόλογη συγγραφική εργασία σε επαγγελματικά περιοδικά, ενώ το βιβλίο του με τίτλο «Θεωρία της ανεργίας ισορροπίας» θεωρείται πρότυπο εγχειρίδιο στα οικονομικά της ανεργίας.
Ο Χριστόφορος Πισσαρίδης υπηρέτησε ως Προϊστάμενος του Τμήματος Οικονομικών του London School of Economics και είναι μέλος της Βρετανικής Ακαδημίας και του Econometric Society. Είναι επίσης Μέλος του συμβουλίου του European Economic Association και του Econometric Society και διετέλεσε μέλος του Συμβουλίου του Royal Economic Society. Είναι ερευνητικό μέλος του Centre for Economic Policy Research στο Λονδίνο και του Institute for the Study of Labor στη Βόννη, καθώς και ανώτερος συνεργάτης του φόρουμ οικονομικής έρευνας στις Αραβικές Χώρες, το Ιράν και την Τουρκία και μέλος της Επιτροπής Νομισματικής Πολιτικής της Κεντρικής Τράπεζας της Κύπρου.
Το βιογραφικό του Χριστόφορου Πισσαρίδη περιλανβάνει επίσης θητεία στην ευρωπαϊκή ομάδα δράσης για την απασχόληση το 2003 και εργασία ως σύμβουλος σε θέματα της αγοράς εργασίας στην Παγκόσμια Τράπεζα, την Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή, την Τράπεζα της Αγγλίας και τον Οργανισμό Οικονομικής Συνεργασίας και Αναπτύξεως (ΟΟΣΑ). Το 2005 έγινε ο πρώτος οικονομολόγος εκτός των ΗΠΑ, στον οποίο απονεμήθηκε από κοινού με τον Dale Mortensen του Northwestern University των ΗΠΑ το αναγνωρισμένου διεθνούς κύρους βραβείο του Ινστιτούτου για τη Μελέτη της Εργασίας (IZA) στα Οικονομικά της Εργασίας. Στην Επιτροπή απονομής του βραβείου συμμετείχαν οι κάτοχοι του βραβείου Νόμπελ George Akerlof και Joseph Stiglitz.
Το έργο του καθηγητή Χριστόφορου Πισσαρίδη οδήγησε στην καλύτερη κατανόηση της ανεργίας και των ροών εργασίας. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, το μοντέλο του για το συνταίριασμα της δημιουργίας θέσεων εργασίας με τον αριθμό των ανέργων, τις κενές θέσεις εργασίας και την ένταση της ζήτησης και προσφοράς εργασίας είναι βασικό εργαλείο για την ανάλυση των αγορών εργασίας που είναι ατελείς ως προς την αναγκαία πληροφόρηση.
Βιογραφικό και συγκεντρωτική εργογραφία του Χριστόφορου Πισσαρίση (από 24grammata.com)
Christopher Antoniou Pissarides
(October 2010)
Nationality: British and Cypriot
Residence: United Kingdom, since 1974
Place of birth: Nicosia, Cyprus
Homepage: http://econ.lse.ac.uk/staff/cap/
Higher Education
1971-1973 London School of Economics: PhD Economics. Thesis title Individual
Behaviour in Markets with Imperfect Information, main supervisor
Professor Michio Morishima.
1970-1971 University of Essex: MA Economics, Distinction
1967-1970 University of Essex: BA Economics, First Class Honours
1971-1973 London University Graduate Studies Scholarship
1970-1971 Graduate Scholarship, best performance in graduate school
1986- Professor of Economics, London School of Economics (title of
Norman Sosnow Professor of Economics conferred 2006)
1982-1986 Reader in Economics, London School of Economics
1976-1982 Lecturer in Economics, London School of Economics
1974-1976 Lecturer in Economics, University of Southampton
1974 Economic Research Department, Central Bank of Cyprus
Visiting Positions
2010 University of Cyprus
2009 Hong Kong University
2000 Yale University
1996 University of California, Los Angeles
1995 Economic Development Institute, The World Bank
1994 Bank of England, Houblon-Normal Fellow, Monetary Analysis
1992 Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna
1990-1991 School of Business Administration, University of California at
1989 European University Institute, Florence
1986 Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney
1984 Industrial Relations Section, Princeton University
1979-80 Harvard University and National Bureau of Economic Research (Ford
Foundation US/UK Program on the Economics of Education)
Teaching and Administration
Teaching Graduate-level Macroeconomics, Unemployment Theory.
1996-1999 Convener (Chairman), Department of Economics
2001-2004 Academic Director, International Summer School in Economics
1984-1993 Head, MSc Economics
Vice President (2009), President Elect (2010) and President (2011),
European Economic Association
Excellence in Refereeing Award, American Economic review, 2007-
Fellow of the Society of Labor Economists, elected 2008
Republic of Cyprus “Aristeion” for the Arts, Literature and Sciences,
IZA Prize in Labor Economics, (co-winner with Dale T Mortensen),
2005, http://www.iza.org/
Fellow of the European Economic Association, elected 2005
Fellow of the British Academy, elected 2002
Fellow of the Econometric Society, elected 1997
Elected member of Council, Econometric Society, 2005-
Elected member of Council, European Economic Association, 2005-
Elected member of Council, Royal Economic Society, 1996-2003
Board member, Society for Economic Analysis (Review of Economic
Studies), 1983-1992
Non-National Senior Associate, Forum for Economic Research in the
Arab Countries, Iran and Turkey, elected 2002
Other Activities and Appointments
1994- Research Fellow, Centre for Economic Policy Research
2001- Research Fellow, IZA, Bonn
2000-2007 External member, Cyprus Monetary Policy Committee
2003-2004 Member of Employment Taskforce (chaired by Wim Kok), European
1999-2007 Programme Director, Macroeconomics Research Programme (formerly
Growth and Technology), Centre for Economic Performance, LSE
1990-1995 Programme Director, National Economic Performance Group, Centre
for Economic Performance
2001-2005 Specialist Adviser to House of Commons Treasury Committee
1993-1998 Member of the Advisory Board, Forum for Economic Research in the
Arab Countries, Iran and Turkey
1989-1995 Member of the Interim Governing Board, University of Cyprus
1991-1993 Panel member, Economic Policy
1985-1990 Research Director, Centre for Labour Economics
Editorial Duties
2007- Board Chairman, Economica
2007- Editorial Board AEJ Macroeconomics
2007- Editorial Board Review of Middle East Economics and Finance (BEP)
1991- Editorial Board, Labour
1983-1992 Editorial Board, Review of Economic Studies
1996-2006 Associate Editor, Economica
2000-2005 Associate Editor, Economic Journal
1980-1983 Co-Editor, Economica
Invited Lectures
2008 Keynote address, Employment Strategy Forum, Economic Society of
Korea, Seoul
2007 Keynote address, Australian Conference of Economists, Hobart,
2007 The Jean-Jacques Laffont Memorial Lecture, French Economic
Association, Paris
2007 The Walras-Bowley lecture, North American Summer Meetings of the
Econometric Society, Duke University
2006 The Lawrence Klein Lecture, University of Pennsylvania
2006 Keynote address, Innovations in Labour Market Policies, Austrian
Presidency of the European Union
2005 Keynote address, CEPR/IZA European Symposium in Labour
2004 Canadian Macro Group Annual Conference, University of Quebec,
2004 Magdalinos Memorial Lecture, Third Conference on Research on
Economic Theory and Econometrics (CRETE), Syros, Greece
2001 Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association Annual
Conference, Montevideo, Uruguay
2000 The Adam Smith Lecture, First SOLE/EALE World Conference, The
Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan
1999 Australian Conference of Economists, La Trobe University
1999 Annual invited lecture, Cyprus Economic Society, Nicosia, Cyprus
1997 Unemployment and Economic Policy conference, Universidad Torcuato
di Tella, Buenos Aires
1997 Society of Economic Dynamics, Oxford University
1996 Latin American Meetings of the Econometric Society, Rio de Janeiro
1996 Applied Econometrics Association, Gothenburg
1991 European Association for Labour Economics, Madrid
1988 Italian Society for Labour Economics, Bergamo
Equilibrium Unemployment Theory, second edition, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000
(reprinted 2007)
Equilibrium Unemployment Theory, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1990
Labour Market Adjustment: Microeconomic Foundations of Short-Run Neoclassical and
Keynesian Dynamics, Cambridge: University Press, 1976 (re-issued in paperback, 2009)
International Seminar on Macroeconomics 2008 (edited by Jeffrey Frankel and Christopher
A Pissarides), National Bureau of Economic Research, Univeristy of Chicago Press, 2009.
International Seminar on Macroeconomics 2005 (edited by Jeffrey Frankel and Christopher
A Pissarides), National Bureau of Economic Research, MIT Press 2007.
Women at Work: An Economic Perspective, (edited by Tito Boeri, Daniela Del Boca and
Christopher Pissarides) A Report for the Fondazione Rodolfo Debenedetti, Oxford University
Press, 2005.
Journal Articles
Why Do Firms Offer ‘Employment Protection’? Economica, 77 (October 2010) 613-636
The Unemployment Volatility Puzzle: Is Wage Stickiness the Answer? Econometrica, 77
(September 2009) 1339-1369
The Labour Market and the Euro Cyprus Economic Policy Review 2 (June 2008) 3-9
The Ins and Outs of European Unemployment (with Barbara Petrongolo) American
Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 98 (May 2008) 256-262
Employment Outcomes in the Welfare State (with L. Rachel Ngai) Revue Economique 59
(May 2008) 413-436
Trends in Hours and Economic Growth (with L. Rachel Ngai), Review of Economic
Dynamics, 11 (April 2008) 239-256
The Impact of TFP Growth on Steady-State Unemployment (with Giovanna Vallanti)
International Economic Review, 48 (May 2007) 607-640
Structural Change in a Multi-Sector Model of Growth (with L. Rachel Ngai), American
Economic Review, 97 (March 2007) 429-443
Unemployment and Hours of Work: The North Atlantic Divide Revisited International
Economic Review, 48 (February 2007) 1-36
Unemployment Dynamics with International Capital Mobility (with Costas Azariadis)
European Economic Review, 51 (January 2007) 27-48
Scale Effects in Markets with Search (with Barbara Petrongolo) Economic Journal, 116
(January 2006) 21-44
Trade and Industrial Location with Heterogeneous Labor (with Mary Amiti) Journal of
International Economics, 67 (December 2005) 392-412
Looking into the Black Box: A Survey of the Matching Function (with Barbara Petrongolo)
Journal of Economic Literature 38 (June 2001) 390-431
Employment Protection Labour Economics 8 (2001) 131-159
Entrepreneurship, Start-Up Costs and Employment (with Raquel Fonseca and Paloma Lopez-
Garcia) European Economic Review 45 (May 2001) 692-705
Monetary and Fiscal Policy with and without the Euro Ekonomia 4 (Summer 2000) 1-18
Policy Influences on Unemployment: The European Experience. Scottish Journal of Political
Economy 46 (September 1999) 389-418. .
Unemployment Responses to ‘Skill-Biased’ Technology Shocks: The role of Labour Market
Policy (with Dale Mortensen) Economic Journal 109 (April 1999) 242-265.
Technological Progress, Job Creation, and Job Destruction (with Dale Mortensen), Review of
Economic Dynamics 1 (1998) 733-753
The Impact of Employment Tax Cuts on Unemployment and Wages: The Role of
Unemployment Benefits and Tax Structure, European Economic Review, 42 (January 1998)
The Need for Labor-Market Flexibility in a European Economic and Monetary Union,
Swedish Economic Policy Review 4 (Autumn 1997) 513-545
Learning by Trading and the Returns to Human Capital in Developing Countries, World Bank
Economic Review 11 (January 1997) 17-32
Search Unemployment with On-the-Job Search, Review of Economic Studies 61 (July 1994)
Job Creation and Job Destruction in the Theory of Unemployment (with Dale Mortensen),
Review of Economic Studies 61 (July 1994) 397-415
Unemployment, Consumption and Growth, (with Charles Bean) European Economic Review
37 (May 1993) 837-59
On-the-Job Search: Some Empirical Evidence, (with Jonathan Wadsworth) European
Economic Review 38 (February 1994) 385-401
Loss of Skill during Unemployment and the Persistence of Employment Shocks, Quarterly
Journal of Economics 107 (November 1992) 1371-1391
On Vacancies (with R. Jackman and R. Layard) Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
51 (November 1989) 377-94
Macroeconomic Adjustment and Poverty in Selected Industrial Countries, The World Bank
Economic Review 5 (May 1991) 207-30
Real Wages and Unemployment in Australia, Economica 58 (February 1991) 35-56
Labour Market Policies and Unemployment in the OECD (with R Jackman and S Savouri),
Economic Policy 11 (October 1990) 449-90
Regional Migration, Wages and Unemployment: Empirical Evidence and Implications for
Policy, (with I. McMaster) Oxford Economic Papers 42 (1990) 812-31. Reprinted in The
Economics of Regional Policy, edited by H. Armstrong and J. Taylor, Edward Elgar (The
International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, series editor Mark Blaug).
Unemployment and the Inter-regional Mobility of Labour (with J. Wadsworth), Economic
Journal 99 (September 1989) 739-55. reprinted in The Economics of Migration edited by K F
Zimmerman and T K Bauer (Edward Elgar)
Female Participation and Male Unemployment Duration in Greece: Evidence from the
Labour Force Survey, (with C. Meghir and Y. Ioannides), European Economic Review
Papers and Proceedings 33 (May 1989) 395-406
Unemployment Consequences of an Aging Population: An Application of Insider-Outsider
Theory, European Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 33 (May 1989) 355-66.
Reprinted in J. Creedy (ed) The Economics of Ageing Edward Elgar
An Expenditure-Based Estimate of Britain’s Black Economy (with G. Weber), Journal of
Public Economics 39 (June 1989) 17-32
Unemployment and Macroeconomics, Economica 56 (February 1989) 1-14
The Search Equilibrium Approach to Fluctuations in Employment, American Economic
Review Papers and Proceedings 78 (May 1988) 363-68
Wages and Employment: A Framework for Analysis with Application to Three Policy Issues,
Economic Record 63 (December 1987) 301-312
Search, Wage Bargains and Cycles, Review of Economic Studies 54 (July 1987) 473-83
Mass Unemployment: A Review Essay, Journal of Monetary Economics 20 (June 1987) 183-
Unemployment and Vacancies in Britain, Economic Policy 3 (October 1986) 499-540
Trade Unions and the Efficiency of the Natural Rate of Unemployment, Journal of Labor
Economics 4 (October 1986) 582-95
Dynamics of Unemployment, Vacancies and Real Wages with Trade Unions, Scandinavian
Journal of Economics 87 (September 1985) 386-403. Reprinted in L.Calmfors and H.Horn
(eds.) Trade Unions, Wage Formation and Macroeconomic Stability, London: Macmillan
Short-Run Equilibrium Dynamics of Unemployment, Vacancies and Real Wages, American
Economic Review 75 (September 1985) 676-90
Taxes, Subsidies and Equilibrium Unemployment, Review of Economic Studies 52 (January
1985) 121-34
Monopsony and the Lifetime Relation between Wages and Productivity (with Y. Ioannides),
Journal of Labor Economics 3 (January 1985) 91-100
Efficient Job Rejection, Economic Journal Conference Papers 94 (1984) 97-108
Search Intensity, Job Advertising and Efficiency, Journal of Labor Economics 2 (January
1984) 128-43
A Test of Price Sluggishness in the Simple Rational Expectations Model (with G.
Alogoskoufis), Economic Journal 93 (September 1983) 616-28
Wages and Employment with Firm-Specific Seniority (with Y. Ioannides), Bell Journal of
Economics 14 (Autumn 1983) 573-80
Efficiency Aspects of the Financing of Unemployment Insurance and Other Government
Expenditure, Review of Economic Studies 50 (January 1983) 57-69
Job Search and the Duration of Layoff Unemployment, Quarterly Journal of Economics 97
(November 1982) 595-612
From School to University: The Demand for Post-Compulsory Education in Britain,
Economic Journal 92 (September 1982) 654-67
Staying-on at School in England and Wales, Economica 48 (November 1981) 345-63
Uncertainty and the Demand for Labour by Dynamically-Monopsonistic Firms, Greek
Economic Review 3 (December 1981) 279-94
Social Security and the Choice between Full-time work, Part-time Work and Retirement,
Journal of Public Economics 14 (December 1980) 245-76
The Wealth-Age Relation with Life Insurance, Economica 47 (November 1980) 451-57
British Government Popularity and Economic Performance, Economic Journal 90
(September 1980) 569-81
Job Matchings with State Employment Agencies and Random Search, Economic Journal 89
(December 1979) 818-33
The Role of Relative Wages and Excess Demand in the Sectoral Flow of Labour, Review of
Economic Studies 45 (October 1978) 453-67
Liquidity Considerations in the Theory of Consumption, Quarterly Journal of Economics 92
(May 1978) 279-96
Job Search and Participation, Economica 43 (February 1976) 33-49
Risk, Job Search, and Income Distribution, Journal of Political Economy 82
(November/December 1974) 1255-68
A Model of British Macroeconomic Policy, 1955-69, Manchester School 40 (September
1972) 245-59
Chapters in Books
Making Trade Work for Jobs, (with Dipak Dasgupta, Mustapha Kamel Nabli, and
Aristomene Varoudakis), in Mustapha Kamel Nabli, ed., Breaking the Barriers to Higher
Economic growth: Better Governance and Deeper Reforms in the Middle East and North
Africa, Washington, DC: The World Bank, 2007
Labor Markets and Economic Growth in the MENA Region, (with Marie-Ange Veganzones-
Varoudakis), in Nugent, Jeffrey B and Pesaran M Hashem, Explaining Growth in the Middle
East, Contributions to Economic Analysis 278, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2007, pp. 137-157
Unemployment in Britain: A European Success Story, in Werding, Martin (ed.), Structural
Unemployment in Western Europe: Reasons and Remedies, CESifo Seminar Series,
Cambridge MA, London UK: MIT Press, 2006.
Women in the Labour Force: How Well is Europe Doing? (with Pietro Garibaldi, Claudia
Olivetti, Barbara Petrongolo and Etienne Wasmer) in Women at Work: An Economic
Perspective, edited by Tito Boeri, Daniela Del Boca and Christopher Pissarides, A Report for
the Fondazione Rodolfo Debenedetti, Oxford University Press, 2005.
Taxes, Subsidies and Equilibrium Labor Market Outcomes (with Dale T Mortensen), in
Designing Inclusion: Tools to Raise low-end Pay and Employment in Private Enterprise,
edited by Edmund S. Phelps, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003
Company Start-Up Costs and Employment, in Knowledge, Information, and Expectations in
Modern Macroeconomics: In Honor of Edmund S. Phelps, edited by P. Aghion, R. Frydman,
J. Stiglitz and M. Woodford, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2003
Economics of Search, in International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences,
Elsevier, 2002
EU Welfare Systems and Labor markets: Diverse in the Past, Integrated in the Future? (with
G. Bertola, J. F. Jimeno, R. Marimon) in Welfare and Employment in a United Europe, G.
Bertola, T. Boeri, G. Nicoletti (eds.), Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2001
Human Capital and Growth: The Cost of Rent Seeking Activities (with J-C Berthelemy and
A. Varoudakis), in Economic Growth and its Determinants, Maaike S. Oosterbaan, Thijs de
Ruyter van Steveninck, Nico van der Windt (eds.), Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Job Reallocation, Employment Fluctuations and Unemployment (with D. Mortensen),
Handbook of Macroeconomics, J. Taylor and M. Woodford (eds.), Amsterdam: North-
Holland, 1999
New Developments in Models of Search in the Labor Market (with D. Mortensen),
Handbook for Labor Economics, O. Ashenfelter and D. Card (eds.), Amsterdam: North-
Holland, 1999
Gross Job Reallocation and Labour Market Policy (with P. Garibaldi and J. Konings), in
Unemployment Policy: Government Options for the Labour Market, Dennis Snower and
Guillermo de la Dehesa (eds.), Centre for Economic Policy Research, Cambridge: University
Press, 1997, 467-489
Unemployment Statistics in Central and East Europe: The Role of the Labour Force Survey,
(with Saul Estrin), chapter 8 (pp 212-231) in Economic Statistics for Economies in
Transition: Eastern Europe in the 1990s, Sponsored by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and
Eurostat, Washington, DC: Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1993
The Cyclical Behavior of Job Creation and Job Destruction, (with D Mortensen), in J. C. van
Ours, G. A. Pfann and G. Ridder (eds.) Labor Demand and Equilibrium Wage Formation,
Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1993, 201-222.
Labour Hoarding in Industrial Countries: Concept and Measurement, in Employment and
Unemployment in Economies in Transition: Conceptual and Measurement Issues, Paris:
OECD, 1993, 47-59
Unemployment Risks, (with J. Wadsworth) in E. McLaughlin (ed.) Understanding
Unemployment, London: Routledge, 1992, 58-79.
Skill Shortages and Structural Unemployment in Britain: A (Mis)matching Approach, (with
C. R. Bean) in F Padoa Schioppa (ed.) Mismatch and Labour Mobility, Cambridge University
Press 1991, 325-59
Relative Wage Flexibility in Four Countries, (with R. Moghadam) in L. Calmfors (ed.) Wage
Formation and Macroeconomic Policy in the Nordic Countries, SNS Forlag, Oxford:
University Press 1990, 417-42
A Critical Assessment of Some Recent Approaches to the Theory of Unemployment, in P.J.
Pedersen and R. Lund (eds.) Unemployment: Theory, Policy and Structure, Berlin: Walter de
Gruyter 1987
The Expenditure Approach to Calculating the Under-Reporting of Income, (with S. Smith
and G. Weber) in S. Smith Britain’s Shadow Economy, Institute of Fiscal Studies, Oxford:
University Press 1986
Policies for Reducing the Natural Rate of Unemployment, (with R. Layard and R. Jackman)
in J.L. Butkiewicz, K.L. Koford and J.B. Miller (eds.), Keynes’ Economic Legacy, New York:
Praeger 1986
Equilibrium Effects of Tax-Based Incomes Policies, in D.C. Colander (ed.) Incentive-Based
Incomes Policies, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Ballinger 1986
Job Search and the Functioning of Labour Markets: A Survey, in D. Carline, C.A. Pissarides,
W.S. Siebert and P.J. Sloane, Surveys in Economics: Labour Economics, London: Longman
An Overview of the Demand for Post-Compulsory Education in Britain, in B.A. Weisbrod
and H. Hughes (eds.), Human Resources, Employment and Development, Volume 3: The
Problems of Developed Countries and the International Economy, London: Macmillan 1984
Contract Theory, Temporary Layoffs and Unemployment: A Critical Assessment, in D.
Currie, D. Peel and W. Peters (eds.) Microeconomic Analysis: Papers from the 1979 and
1980 AUTE Conferences, London: Croom Helm 1981
Social Security, Life-Cycle Savings and Retirement, (with A. Zabalza and D. Piachaud) in D.
Collard, R. Lecomber and M. Slater (eds.), Income Distribution: The Limits to Redistribution,
Colston Papers No. 31, Bristol: Scientechnica 1980
Published Conference Discussions and Comments
Comments on “A New Method for Estimating Time Variation in the NAIRU” by William T.
Dickens, in J. Fuhrer, Y. K. Kodrzycki, J. S. Little and G. O. Olivei, eds. Understanding
Inflation and the Implications for Monetary Policy: A Phillips Curve Retrospective, MIT
Press, 2009, pp. 237-244
Comments on M. C. Burda, D. S. Hamermesh and P. Weil, “The distribution of Total Work
in the EU and the USA”, in T. Boeri, M. C. Burda and F. Kramarz, eds., Working Hours and
Job Sharing in the EU and USA: Are Europeans Lazy? Or Americans Crazy? A Report for
the Fondazione Rodolfo Debenedetti, Oxford University Press, 2008, pp. 96-100
Comments on Tito Boeri and Pietro Garibaldi, “Shadow Sorting”, in International Seminar
on Macroeconomics 2005 (edited by Jeffrey Frankel and Christopher A Pissarides), National
Bureau of Economic Research, MIT Press 2007, pp. 167-170.
“Final Remarks”, in T. Boeri et al. eds., Structural Reforms Without Prejudices, A Report for
the Fondazione Rodolfo Debenedetti, Oxford University Press, 2006, pp. 280-282.
Comments on M. Burda and A. Mertens, “Locational Competition versus Cooperation in
Labor Markets: An Implicit Contract Reinterpretation”, in H. Siebert (ed.) Locational
Competition in the World Economy, Symposium 1994, Tubingen: Mohr, 1995, pp. 108-110.
Roundtable Discussion: Lessons of European and U.S. Labor Markets, in Michael Bruno and
Boris Pleskovic, (eds.) Proceedings of the World Bank Annual Conference on Development
Economics, 1994. Supplement to The World Bank Economic Review and The World Bank
Research Observer. Washington, D.C.: World Bank, 1995, pp. 451-57.
Comments on P. Krugman, “Past and Prospective Causes of High Unemployment”, in
Reducing Unemployment: Current Issues and Policy Options, Federal Reserve Bank of
Kansas City, 1994.
Comments on S. Bentolila and J. Dolado, Economic Policy, 18
Comments on J. S. Leonard and M. van Audenrode, “Corporatism Run Amok: Job Stability
and Industrial Policy in Belgium and the United States”, Economic Policy, 17 (October 1993)
Comments on G. J. van den Berg and Geert Ridder, “On the Estimation of Equilibrium
Search Models from Panel Data”, in J. C. van Ours, G. A. Pfann and G. Ridder (eds.) Labour
Demand and Equilibrium Wage Formation, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1993, 246-7.
Comments on S. Holden and A. Rodseth, “Wage Formation in Norway”, in L. Calmfors (ed.)
Wage Formation and Macroeconomic Policy in the Nordic Countries, SNS Forlag, Oxford:
University Press 1990, 281-3
Comments on M. Burda, “”Wait Unemployment” in Europe”, Economic Policy 7 (October
1988) 420-22
Comments on J. Dreze, “Work Sharing”, in R. Layard and L. Calmfors (eds.) The Fight
Against Unemployment, CEPS, Brussels, Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press 1987
Comments on J.E. Stiglitz, “Theories of Wage Rigidity”, in J.L. Butkiewicz, K.L. Koford and
J.B. Miller (eds.), Keynes’ Economic Legacy, New York: Praeger 1986, pp 206-209
Comments on A. Leijonhufvud, “What Keynes Would Have Thought of Rational
Expectations?”, in J.L. Butkiewicz, K.L. Koford and J.B. Miller (eds.), Keynes’ Economic
Legacy, New York: Praeger 1986, pp 55-57
Comments on P.G. Hare and D.T. Ulph, “Imperfect Capital Markets and the Public Provision
of Education”, Public Choice 36 (Special Issue 3, 1981) and in M.J. Bowman (ed.) Collective
Choice in Education, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff 1981, pp 131-32
Book Reviews
A. B. Krueger and R Solow (eds.), The Roaring Nineties: Can Full Employment Be
Sustained?, New York: The Russell Sage Foundation and Century Foundation, 2002.
Industrial and Labor Relations Review 57 (October 2003) 141-142
R. Leeson, A.W.H. Phillips: Collected Works in Contemporary Perspective, Cambridge
University Press, 2000, Economica 70 (February 2003) 187-88
S. J. Davis, J. C. Haltiwanger and S. Schuh, Job Creation and Destruction, MIT Press, 1996,
British Journal of Industrial Relations 36 (June 1998) 328-30
J. Christl, The Unemployment/Vacancy Curve: Theoretical Foundations and Empirical
Relevance, New York and Heidelberg: Springer Physica, 1992, Journal of Economic
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J. H. Dreze, Unemployment Equilibria: Essays in Theory, Econometrics and Policy,
Cambridge: University Press 1991, Economic Journal 103 (May 1993) 738-9
W. Driehuis, M.M.G. Fase and H. Den Hartog, editors, Challenges for Macroeconomic
Modelling, Contributions to Economic Analysis, Amsterdam: North-Holland 1988, Journal
of Applied Econometrics 7 (April/June 1992) 221-224
G. Hadjimatheou, Consumer Economics After Keynes: Theory and Evidence of the
Consumption Function, New York: St. Martin’s Press 1987, Journal of Economic Literature
27 (March 1989) 81-82
T.J. Sargent, Dynamic Macroeconomic Theory, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard
University Press 1987, Economica 55 (November 1988) 547-48
J. Frank, The New Keynesian Economics: Unemployment, Search and Contracting, Sussex:
Wheatsheaf 1986, Economic Journal 97 (June 1987) 510-12
M. Bruno and J. Sachs, The Economics of World Stagflation, Cambridge, Massa chusetts:
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R.L. Martin (ed.), Regional Wage Inflation and Unemployment, London: Pion 1981,
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E. Fama, Foundations of Finance: Portfolio Decisions and Security Prices, Oxford: Basil
Blackwell 1977, Economica 47 (November 1980) 484-85
K. Nagatani, Monetary Theory, Amsterdam: North-Holland 1978, Economica 47 (November
1980) 485-87
J. Niehans, The Theory of Money, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins 1978, Economica 47 (November
1980) 485-87
G.C. Harcourt (ed.), The Microeconomic Foundations of Macroeconomics, London:
Macmillan 1977 Economica 46 (1979)
C.R. Coates, The Demand for Money by Firms, New York: Marcel Dekker 1976, Economica
44 (August 1977) 307-08
Working Papers
The Demand for Tobacco Products in the UK (with Paul Cullum), Government Economic
Service Working Paper Series, no. 150, November 2004
Productivity Growth and Employment: Theory and Panel Estimates (with Giovanna
Vallanti), CEP Discussion Paper, December 2004 (revised title The impact of TFP on Steady-
State Unemployment)
Consumption and Savings with Unemployment Risk: Implications for Optimal Employment
Contracts, CEP Discussion Paper 542, August 2002, IZA Discussion Paper 1183
Outside Work: Reports to International Organizations
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs: Creating More Employment in Europe. Report of the Employment
Taskforce chaired by Wim Kok, November 2003, Brussels: European Communities,
available online at
Patterns of Employment Enhancing Economic growth, Optimal Sectoral Structure of Labour
Productivity, Capital-Labour Substitution and Employment Growth (European Commission,
Social and Economic Affairs, April 2001)
Human Capital and growth: A Synthesis Report (OECD Development Centre, Paris),
published as Technical Paper No. 168, November 2000, and available online at
Evaluating the Paris Protocol: Economic Relations between Israel and the Palestinian
Territories (European Commission, DG1, July 1999) available on line at
Study of the Socio-economic Impact of Projects Financed by the Cohesion Fund (with an
LSE team; Final Report to the European Commission, DG16, December 1996)
Labour Market Modelling with a Reference to Policies in the Field of Employment, Taxation
and Environment (European Commission, DG2, July 1995)
Trade Liberalization and the Returns to Human Capital in Developing Countries, April 1995
(World Bank, background paper for the 1995 World Development Report)
Labor Markets in the Middle East and North Africa (World Bank Middle East and North
Africa Section, Discussion Paper Series, No. 5, February 1993).)
The Case for Earnings Questions in the European Community Labour Force Survey
(Statistical Office of the European Communities, 1991)
Macroeconomic Adjustment and Poverty in Selected Industrial Countries (World Bank,
background paper for 1990 World Development Report)