24grammata.com/ αρχαιότητα
Brief Description
The Acropolis of Athens and its monuments are universal symbols of the classical spirit and civilization and form the greatest architectural and artistic complex bequeathed by Greek Antiquity to the world. In the second half of the fifth century bc, Athens, following the victory against the Persians and the establishment of democracy, took a leading position amongst the other city-states of the ancient world. In the age that followed, as thought and art flourished, an exceptional group of artists put into effect the ambitious plans of Athenian statesman Pericles and, under the inspired guidance of the sculptor Pheidias, transformed the rocky hill into a unique monument of thought and the arts. The most important monuments were built during that time: the Parthenon, built by Ictinus, the Erechtheon, the Propylaea, the monumental entrance to the Acropolis, designed by Mnesicles and the small temple Athena Nike.
The Acropolis of Athens and its monuments are universal symbols of the classical spirit and civilization and form the greatest architectural and artistic complex bequeathed by Greek Antiquity to the world. In the second half of the fifth century bc, Athens, following the victory against the Persians and the establishment of democracy, took a leading position amongst the other city-states of the ancient world. In the age that followed, as thought and art flourished, an exceptional group of artists put into effect the ambitious plans of Athenian statesman Pericles and, under the inspired guidance of the sculptor Pheidias, transformed the rocky hill into a unique monument of thought and the arts. The most important monuments were built during that time: the Parthenon, built by Ictinus, the Erechtheon, the Propylaea, the monumental entrance to the Acropolis, designed by Mnesicles and the small temple Athena Nike
Acropole d’Athènes
L’Acropole d’Athènes et ses monuments sont le symbole universel de l’esprit et de la civilisation classiques, et forment le plus extraordinaire ensemble architectural et artistique légué par la Grèce antique au reste du monde. Dans la seconde moitié du Ve siècle avant JC, Athènes, suite à sa victoire sur les Perses et à l’établissement de la démocratie, prit un ascendant sur les autres Cités-États du monde antique. Durant cette période, alors que l’art et la pensée florissaient, un groupe exceptionnel d’artistes mit en œuvre les plans ambitieux de Périclès, homme d’État athénien, et transforma, sous la direction éclairée du sculpteur Phéidias, la colline rocheuse en un monument unique d’esprit et d’arts. Les principaux monuments furent érigés à cette époque : le Parthénon, construit par Ictinus, l’Érechthéion, les Propylées, l’entrée monumentale de l’Acropole, dessinés par Mnesiclès et le petit temple d’Athéna Nikê.
Brief Description
The Acropolis of Athens and its monuments are universal symbols of the classical spirit and civilization and form the greatest architectural and artistic complex bequeathed by Greek Antiquity to the world. In the second half of the fifth century bc, Athens, following the victory against the Persians and the establishment of democracy, took a leading position amongst the other city-states of the ancient world. In the age that followed, as thought and art flourished, an exceptional group of artists put into effect the ambitious plans of Athenian statesman Pericles and, under the inspired guidance of the sculptor Pheidias, transformed the rocky hill into a unique monument of thought and the arts. The most important monuments were built during that time: the Parthenon, built by Ictinus, the Erechtheon, the Propylaea, the monumental entrance to the Acropolis, designed by Mnesicles and the small temple Athena Nike.
The Acropolis of Athens and its monuments are universal symbols of the classical spirit and civilization and form the greatest architectural and artistic complex bequeathed by Greek Antiquity to the world. In the second half of the fifth century bc, Athens, following the victory against the Persians and the establishment of democracy, took a leading position amongst the other city-states of the ancient world. In the age that followed, as thought and art flourished, an exceptional group of artists put into effect the ambitious plans of Athenian statesman Pericles and, under the inspired guidance of the sculptor Pheidias, transformed the rocky hill into a unique monument of thought and the arts. The most important monuments were built during that time: the Parthenon, built by Ictinus, the Erechtheon, the Propylaea, the monumental entrance to the Acropolis, designed by Mnesicles and the small temple Athena Nike.
Acropole d’Athènes
L’Acropole d’Athènes et ses monuments sont le symbole universel de l’esprit et de la civilisation classiques, et forment le plus extraordinaire ensemble architectural et artistique légué par la Grèce antique au reste du monde. Dans la seconde moitié du Ve siècle avant JC, Athènes, suite à sa victoire sur les Perses et à l’établissement de la démocratie, prit un ascendant sur les autres Cités-États du monde antique. Durant cette période, alors que l’art et la pensée florissaient, un groupe exceptionnel d’artistes mit en œuvre les plans ambitieux de Périclès, homme d’État athénien, et transforma, sous la direction éclairée du sculpteur Phéidias, la colline rocheuse en un monument unique d’esprit et d’arts. Les principaux monuments furent érigés à cette époque : le Parthénon, construit par Ictinus, l’Érechthéion, les Propylées, l’entrée monumentale de l’Acropole, dessinés par Mnesiclès et le petit temple d’Athéna Nikê.
أكروبول أثينا
يمكن اعتبار أكروبول أثينا الذي يجسد الحضارات والأساطير والأديان التي ازدهرت في اليونان منذ أكثر من ألف سنة والذي ترتفع فيه أربعة من أكبر تُحف الفن اليوناني الكلاسيكي، وهي معبد أثينا البارتينون ومدخل الأكروبول بروبيلي ومعبد أركيتون ومعبد الإلهة نيكي، عنصراً بارزاً في التراث العالمي
Афинский Акрополь
Акрополь, содержащий напоминание о более чем тысячелетнем развитии цивилизаций, мифологии и религии, процветавших в Греции, является местом нахождения четырех величайших шедевров классического древнегреческого искусства – Парфенона, Пропилей, Эрехтейона и храма Афины Паллады, которые могут рассматриваться, как символы всемирного наследия.