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Η Tέχνη της Eπιστήμης συναντά την Eπιστήμη της Τέχνης
πρώτος σταθμός: Ιατρική Επιστήμη
Αναπαραγωγή ιστορικών ιατρικών εργαλείων.
Medical surgical instruments of antiquity. First stethoscopes of Laennec, Ferguson, Pinard. Hot Water Bottles. Inscribed votive relief.Feeding Bottle. Portraits Doctors
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Product Description
creation plans: Art and science
design material: wooden (bubinga / walnut tree)
artist’s: George Paraschos, Averof Parashos
dimensions: a. 17cm/ b.12cm
edition year: 2016
prototype year: 1840 – 1860
copyright all over the wold: Art and science gallery.comGeorge Paraschos and his son, Averof, are widely known as two of the most known craftsmen of wind instruments.
Art and Science found them and prsent to you the first drawings of Pinard horn
The challenge was unique. At the beginning the felt incompetents of fullfilling our aims. On the onter hand we knew that if George and Averof Paraschos could not construct those ceramic or wooden sampls of musical instruments, then noone would.
They worked using the tools of Ferguson time. A lot of experimentations were produced, always processed by hand, like thss orders which Art and Science Gallery .com take over.
The wooden spread of the screw, the acoustics of the sound pipe, all the details were prepared following the instructions for the first Pinard horn and Fergusson stethoscope.
TheFerguson stethoscope was created by bubinga wood and after the cut was processed aiming the closure of the holes, according the methods of accoustics of the most importants wind instruments.about Adolphe Pinard

A Pinard horn is a tool used to listen the heart rate of a fetus during pregnancy. It is a type of stethoscope, formerly called a “fetoscope”, but the term is still sometimes associated with the Pinard stethoscope. Made of wood or metal and is hollow. It is about 8 inches long. It functions similarly to an ear trumpet by amplifying sound.
Adolphe Pinard (4 February 1844 – 1 March 1934) was a French obstetrician who was a native of Méry-sur-Seine. He practiced medicine in Paris, where he was an assistant to Étienne Stéphane Tarnier (1828–1897) and a professor of obstetrics, as well as a member of parliament for the Paris region.
In 1895 he invented a special stethoscope for listening to fetal activity.