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Nevertheless each work aims at a relative completeness, and it is important to observe the relation of each to the other. The distinction
is not that the one treats of Moral and the other of Political Philosophy, nor again that the one deals with the moral activity of the
individual and the other with that of the State, nor once more that the one gives us the theory of human conduct, while the other discusses its application in practice, though not all of these misinterpretations are equally erroneous. The clue to the right interpretation is given by Aristotle himself, where in the last chapter of the Ethics he is paving the way for the Politics . In the Ethics he has not confined
himself to the abstract or isolated individual, but has always thought of him, or we might say, in his social and political context, with a given nature due to race and heredity and in certain surroundings. So viewing him he has studied the nature and formation of his
character–all that he can make himself or be made by others to be. Especially he has investigated the various admirable forms of human character and the mode of their production.
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