Ο Ισπανός Ελληνιστής Πέδρο Ολάγια – Pedro Olalla Gonzalez de la Vega

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Βιογραφικό Σημείωμα
Pedro OlallaPedro Olalla Gonzalez de la Vega was born in the Spanish city of Oviedo, in 1966. He studied Literature, Art History and Philosophy, and Romance Literature. He settled in Athens in 1994 in order to work in the fields of research, creation and education in a country to which he has been strongly linked over the last ten years. He was a professor of Modern Greek at the University of Oviedo and a lecturer of Spanish at the University of Syracuse, New York. Living in Greece, he was for three years editor-in-chief of the bilingual monthly periodical El Sol de Atenas and director of the Cultural Bulletin of the Embassy of Spain. At present he teaches at the University of Athens (Interdepartmental Postgraduate Programme in Translation and Translation Studies), the Greek Parliament and the Cervantes Institute.

As a photographer he has held over 30 one-man exhibitions in Spain and other countries; as a writer he has published literary works and over 100 articles and studies on Greek culture and Spain, in several languages; as a lexicographer he works with a scholarship of the A. G. Leventi Foundation. Moreover, he has applied his many talents to a series of projects relating the two cultures – of Greece and Spain: a book and exhibition with the Cyclades as setting; organizing various courses of Modern Greek for Spaniards in Spain and in Greece; delivering seminars and lectures on Spanish language and culture, in Athens and Thessaloniki; planning an educational itinerary for Greeks following the route of Medieval pilgrims to Santiago de Compostela; dubbing in Spanish of a television series on Alexander the Great; translations into Spanish of books, essays and lectures by Greek authors, and of the biography of Queen Sophia from Spanish to Greek, et al. In 1999 he was awarded a scholarship by the A.S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation to conduct research in connection with the Mythological Atlas of Greece (cartography, photography and philological documentation), on which he has been working since 1995, covering one hundred thousand kilometres all over the country, tracing the spoor of the ancient myths. As an expert in Greek Mythology he was a guest speaker at the Universities of Aegean Sea, Trace, Athens, the National Research Foundation, the National Book Centre and other Greek cultural institutions.

The Mythological Atlas of Greece which was published in Greek, English and Spanish, has been awarded by the Academy of Athens for the year 2002.

During his lecture tour for the University Seminars Program (October 23- November 13) Pedro Ollala will visit the following Universities in Mexico:

Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mιxico. (Ciudad de Mιxico)
a) Instituto de Investigaciones Filologicas
b) Facultad de Filosofia y Letras
c) Centro de Ensenanza de Lenguas Extranjeras (CELE)

Universidad Autonoma de Morelos (Ciudad de Cuernavaca)
Centro Regional Interdisciplinario
Centro de Investigacion y Estudios de Humanidades del Estado
de Morelos.

Universidad Autonoma de Puebla (Ciudad de Puebla de los Angeles)
Universidad Nicolaita de Michoacan (Ciudad de Morelia)

His lecture topics are:

CONFERENCIA AUDIOVISUAL “?Por qué Grecia?” (Why Greece?)
DURACIÓN: 60 minutos aprox.
PÚBLICO: universitarios y público en general
CONTENIDO: Una reflexión acompañada de imágenes sobre los motivos por los que el elemento griego ocupa un lugar de tan suma importancia en la cultura occidental.

CONFERENCIA AUDIOVISUAL “Atenas, la ciudad de los filósofos”
(“Athens, the city of philosophers”)
DURACIÓN: 60 minutos aprox.
PÚBLICO: universitarios y público en general
CONTENIDO: Recorrido audiovisual por la Atenas actual evocando el tiempo de los filósofos clasicos y reflexionando sobre la propia actitud de la filoósofia.

CONFERENCIA y AUDIOVISUAL “Grecia, geografia de los mitos”
(” Greece, the geography of the myths”)
DURACIÓN: 90 minutos aprox.
PÚBLICO: universitarios y público en general
CONTENIDO: Presentación de la dimensión geográfica de la mitología griega a través de una conferencia y una pelicula documental realizada y presentada por el autor (versiones en griego, inglés y español). Coloquio.
