Euthanasia: The Seal of the Failure of the Contemporary Civilization
Αρχιμανδρίτης Κύριλλος Κωστόπουλος / Archimandrite Cyril Kostopoulos PhD
Preacher of Diocese of Patras, Patras, Achaia, Greece ευθανασία / euthanasia κλικ εδώ / here
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The term “euthanasia” has two meanings, which do not identify completely with each other. Οn the one hand means the death, which comes under pleasant, tranquil and painless conditions. On the other hand indicates the hastening of the death of a patient, who can not bear any longer his fatal disease.
Those who oppose euthanasia claim that when we practice euthanasia we doubt the validity of the right to life. However, there are and those who stand up for euthanasia as an act leading to a dignified death.
Nevertheless, all the opinions concerning euthanasia are stripped of the basic and perpetual truth: that man is both soul and body. These two features, soul and body, consist the person as a whole, the human personality.
In the Western world of atheistic humanism and individualism the human being is identified with a biological organism and its various functions. Thus human life becomes acceptable as utilizable capability, which is being dealt with mechanical planning of death.
The Orthodox Church and Theology stand out against euthanasia, because they accept and they believe in meanings such as soul-body, everlasting life, sin-repentance, pain-catharsis and base their Ethic on them. According to Orthodox teachings pain constitutes a great pedagogue and a cause for deeper repentance and internal purification of the soul. Pain makes man to return to himself,philosophize about the transitory life and lastly makes him think maturely about eternal life…
Ο όρος «ευθανασία» θα μπορούσαμε να πούμε ότι έχει δύο σημασίες, οι οποίες, όμως, δεν ταυτίζονται απολύτως.
Σύμφωνα με την πρώτη η ευθανασία σημαίνει τον θάνατο, ο οποίος επέρχεται κάτω από ευχάριστες, ήρεμες και ανώδυνες συνθήκες.1
Η δεύτερη σημασία αναφέρεται στον ασθενή, ο οποίος διανύει το τε- λικό στάδιο θανατηφόρου νόσου, συνοδευόμενης από αφόρητους πόνους. Έχοντας ο άνθρωπος αυτός επίγνωση της καταστάσεώς του και γνωρίζοντας από το ιατρικό προσωπικό τις μελλοντικές προοπτικές, επιζητεί ο ίδιος να επισπευθεί ο θάνατός του, προκειμένου να απαλλαγεί από τον πόνο και… free ebook
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