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On behalf of the Hellenic Society for Systemic Studies (HSSS) we would like to invite you to the 2011 HSSS 7th. National & International Conference, organized in collaboration with the University of Piraeus and the Panteio University, which will take place in Athens, Greece.
The main theme of the Conference, is to present the dynamic scientific area of Professional Systemics applied effectively in organizations and enterprises across a wide spectrum of both service and production industry sectors.
Given the dynamic nature of this challenging discipline, Professional Systemics in Action will bridge the gap between theory and practice and will promote the use of effective Methodologies and Multi-Methodologies in managing today’s organizational complexity.
Our interdisciplinary international community has the scientific systemic tools and powerful specialized software to tackle up-to-date multi-dimensional complex problems and to manage their complexity in different applied areas of practice.
The prominent national and international invited speakers in the scientific program, the exciting professional panels, the professional round table, and the professional workshop, will attract the attention of a large number of our colleagues. Further, the participation of the International Federation for Systems Research (IFSR) members and the International Academy of Systems and Cybernetic Sciences (IASCYS) members, together with renowned consultancy firms of national and international stature, will make this Conference a very successful and memorable one in the history of HSSS Conferences.
Athens is renown through the ages as the city of dialogue, wisdom and democracy. Therefore it is an ideal place for bringing together colleagues from all over the world to promote and exchange ideas, knowledge and experience for the benefit of enhancing the arsenal made available to both organizations and enterprises in effectively meeting the needs of a challenging international community.
The Goddess of Wisdom
Athens Academy, Greece
Chair of the Organizing Committee
Assoc. Professor Vicky Pekka-Economou
University of Piraeus
Chair of the Scientific Committee
Professor Anastasios Tasopoulos
Panteio University
HSSS President
Professor Nikitas Assimakopoulos
University of Piraeus