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Κωνσταντίνος Καβάφης (1863 – 1933) α. όλα β. έργα γ. μελέτες / άρθρα δ. ξενόγλωσσα |
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A Historical Guide to Cavafy’s ALEXANDRIA (331 BCE – 641 CE)
Savvopoulos Kyriakos.
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A historical guide to Cavafy’s Alexandria : 331 BCE – 641 CE / Kyriakos Savvopoulos ;
translation by Evangelos Sachperoglou. – Alexandria, Egypt : Bibliotheca Alexandrina,
Acknowledgments 9
Preface 11
1. Cavafy’s Cosmopolitan Alexandria and the Role
of the Greco-Roman Heritage 21
2. Cavafy’s Alexandria in Historical Context 39
On Alexander’s Oikoumene 39
The House of Ptolemy: A Close-up 41
The Ptolemaic Dynasty in History 50
Alexandria under the Ptolemies 65
Alexandrian Society: A Micro-model of Alexander’s
Oikoumene 79
Alexandria and Rome 86
The Pagan-Christian Conflict and the Demise of
Alexandria’s Hellenistic Spirit 92
Epilogue: “The Church of the Greeks” The Last
Survivor of Ancient Alexandria 100
3. The Poems 105
The Glory of the Ptolemies
In Sparta 108
Come, O King of the Lacedaemonians 110
The First Step 112
In the Year 200 B.C. 114
6 A Historical Guide to Cavafy’s ALEXANDRIA
Envoys from Alexandria 118
If Only They Had Seen to It 120
The Displeasure of Seleucid 124
Those who Fought for the Achaean League 126
Theodotus 128
Alexandrian Kings 130
In Alexandria, 31 B.C. 134
The God Forsakes Antony 136
In a Township of Asia Minor 138
Caesarion 140
The Potentate from Western Libya 144
Of the Hebrews (A.D. 50) 146
Tomb of Eurion 148
Tomb of Iases 150
Tomb of Lanes 152
Myres: Alexandrian A.D. 340 154
Perilous Things 158
From the School of the Renowned Philosopher 160
A Priest of the Serapeum 164
Kleitos’ Illness 166
If Dead Indeed 168
In the Month of Athyr 172
Tomb of Ignatius 174
For Ammones who Died Aged 29, in 610 176
Aemilianus Monae, Alexandrian, A.D. 628-655 178
In Church 180
Morning Sea 182
Contents 7
4. Appendix: Alexandria in Cavafy’s Hidden and
Unfinished Poems
A Great Feast at the House of Sosibius 187
Lagid’s Hospitality 188
Return from Greece 189
The End of Antony 191
Fugitives 192
Epitaph 193
Alexandrian Merchant 194
5. Further Reading 195
6. Rulers of Alexandria 331 BCE – 641 CE 207
7. Key Dates in Alexandria’s Ancient History 213
8. Index of Historical Events. Names, Terms
and Toponyms 215
9. Map of Cavafy’s Alexandria 221