An Arabic Manuscript of the Hippocratic Letters


 hippcrates 24grammatajpgAn Arabic Manuscript of the Hippocratic Letters
Dr Emily Cottrell
(Marie Curie Fellow, Leiden University)– free ebook

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It is a great pleasure for me to present here the first study of a text noticed by Manfred Ullmann and Fu’āt Sezgin in two separate publications both of which came
out in 1970. This important piece of Greek literature, a collection of letters attributed to Hippocrates and translated into Arabic by an unknown author will be the object of a separate publication.

Therefore I intend to limit this paper to a genera l presentation of the text. The Greek letters supposedly exchanged between Hippocrates and the
Persian king Artaxerxes on the one side, and Hippocrates and Democritus on the other side (among other minor correspondents) have been somehow neglected,
although they provide some interesting insights for students of the history of medicine, the history of philosophy, and of Greek literature. At the same time, they remain puzzling both in matters of dating and composition.