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Mozambican Literature to 1994
This multi-page dossier presents various groupings of clippings and magazine articles, mainly from the Mozambican and Portuguese press and in the Portuguese language, on Mozambican literary figures and literature to the mid-1990s. There is a heavy emphasis on the generation of nationalist poets such as the late Noémia de Sousa and José Craveirinha.
Periodisation and classification: in his chapter on Mozambican literature in the book The Post-Colonial Literature of Lusophone Africa (Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press, 1996), Patrick Chabal argues that there are four strands to contemporary Mozambican literature in Portuguese. These are, he says, first assimilado culture, that is the literature of black and mestiço Mozambicans, up to 1940 or so. The second strand is the writing of white colonial settlers; the third, the nationalist literature fostered especially by Frelimo in such publications as Poesia de Combate. Last of all is the literature of «moçambicanidade», contemporary work by Mozambicans who are self-consciously seeking a national literary identity [p.29].
The individual MHN pages devoted to literature can be allocated to Chabal’s typology, although not in a particularly tidy way. The page on Augusto Conrado is about a figure from the first period of assimilado culture. The pages on João Dias, José Craveirinha, Rui de Noronha and Noémia de Sousa fall into the third category, that of early cultural nationalism. In the sections on literary criticism (and on such critics as Eugénio Lisboa;) and also in the pages devoted to such writers as Calane da Silva, Mia Couto and Luís Bernardo Honwana we find the literature of «moçambicanidade» – as well as a prolonged debate about it.
In the 1970s and 1980s the weekly news magazine Tempo included a literary and cultural section in every issue, and published not only criticism but also essays and debates on a wide range of topics, and short fiction and poetry from both established writers and newcomers. In the same period various short-lived literary magazines appeared, many of them disappearing after two or three issues had been published. Most of the clippings presented below come from these sources and from local newspapers, and are concerned both with individual writers and with other issues such as translations in e.g. Bulgarian, German or Russian, or the publication of anthologies.
A useful and current online source for Mozambican literature is the journal Líteratas: Revista de Literatura Moçambicana e Lusófona, which is a project of the Associação Movimento Literário Kuphaluxa. It includes reviews, biographical information, essays, news of events, and examples of both prose and poetry.
Another useful web page, at Lusofonia, provides an extensive on-line glossary of the specifically African terminology often used in Portuguese-language works by Mozambican, Angolan, Cape-Verdian and other authors, with explanations (in Portuguese) of their meaning and significance. Click here to jump to the page, or click on the Lusofonia link in the menu at left. MHN’s thanks to Michael Wolfers for drawing attention to this source.
Links to Other MHN Pages in This Series
MHN Dossier MZ-0056 is divided into several topical pages, reflecting the subjects that were reported on in the Mozambican press in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. Click on the green buttons below to jump directly to an MHN page devoted to an individual writer, organisation or topic. if a particular writer does not have their own page, please look below for material, or use the search facility.
AEMO Augusto Conrado Calane da Silva José Craveirinha Eugénio Lisboa Gabriel Makavi Calane da Silva José Craveirinha
◊ 21 August 1977
Reunião Nacional de Cultura, 1977. Literatura. Tempo [Maputo] no.359 (21 August 1977), p.38-41. In Portuguese
◊ 16 April 1978
Poesia de combate: versos da nossa história. Tempo [Maputo] no.393 (16 April 1978), p.31-33. In Portuguese.
Poesia de Combate Poesia de Combate 1 Poesia de Combate 2 Poesia de Combate 3
◊ 9 December 1979
Rainer Arnold. Colectânea de poesia moçambicana editada na RDA. Tempo [Maputo] no.478 (9 December 1979), p.62-63. In Portuguese.
◊ 22 February 1981
Brian Tio Ninguas. Reinaldo Ferreira e o calor do verso lírico. Tempo [Maputo] no.541 (22 February 1981), p.71-72. In Portuguese.
◊ 20 June 1981
Guilherme Ismael. O despertar da literatura. Expresso [Lisbon] (20 June 1981), p.28R-29R. In Portuguese.
◊ 16 August 1981
Sol Carvalho. Sebastião Alba: a expressão humana do poeta. Tempo [Maputo] no.566 (16 August 1981), p.56-60. In Portuguese.
A Noite Dividida O Ritmo do Presságio
◊ 24 January 1982
Ferraz da Mota. Contos e lendas de Carneiro Gonçalves. Domingo [Maputo] (24 January 1982). In Portuguese.
◊ 28 March 1982
Tómas Vieira Mário . Nhampessopesso. Tempo [Maputo ] no.598 (28 March 1982), p.20-21. In Portuguese.
◊ 2 May 1982
Albino Magaia. Conhecem melhor do que nós aquilo que nós criámos. Tempo [Maputo] (2 May 1982), p.10-11. In Portuguese.
◊ 30 June 1982
Livros moçambicanos em exposição na URSS. Notícias [Maputo] (30 June 1982). In Portuguese.
◊ 3 April 1983
Neli Nechkova. Interesse do leitor búlgaro pela literatura moçambicana. Tempo [Maputo] no.651 (3 April 1983), p.54. In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 666 kb.
◊ 12 June 1983
Cipriano Justo. A noite dividida: poemas de Sebastião Alba. O Diário [suplemento cultural] [Lisbon] (12 June 1983), p.11. In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 276 kb.
◊ 1 December 1983
Literatura moçambicana editada na União Soviética. Notícias [Maputo] (1 December 1983). In Portuguese.
◊ 18 December 1983
Calane da Silva. Yô Mabalane é hino patriótico, diz Albino Magaia a propósito. Domingo [Maputo] (18 December 1983), p.5. In Portuguese.
Assim no Tempo Derrubado Yô Mabalane Malungate
◊ 10 February 1985
URSS: autores moçambicanos reunidos em colectânea. Domingo [Maputo] (10 February 1985). In Portuguese.
◊ 25 August 1985
Manuel Lemos. João Albasini morreu há 63 anos. Tempo [Maputo] no.776 (25 August 1985), p.44-45. In Portuguese.
◊ 5 January 1986
Marcelo Panguana. Novo sangue literário. Domingo [Maputo] (5 January 1986). In Portuguese.
◊ 26 January 1986
Hélder Muteia. Ponderação directa sobre Directo ao Assunto. Domingo [Maputo] (26 January 1986). In Portuguese.
◊ 16 February 1986
Paulo Sérgio. Escritores falam das suas obras. Tempo [Maputo] no.801 (16 February 1986), p.52-54. In Portuguese.
◊ 16 March 1986
Hélder Muteia. N’lhomulo, ou a miséria tresloucada. Domingo [Maputo] (16 March 1986). In Portuguese
◊ 14 September 1986
Fátima Mendonça. Bermudes, Nuno. Domingo [Maputo] (14 September 1986), p.5. In Portuguese.
◊ 28 September 1986
Fátima Mendonça. Couto, Fernando. Domingo [Maputo] no.250 kb. (28 September 1986), p.5. In Portuguese.
◊ 23 November 1986
Fátima Mendonça. Knopfli, Rui. Domingo [Maputo] (23 November 1986), p.5. In Portuguese.
◊ 30 November 1986
Fátima Mendonça. Lacerda, Alberto (Ilha de Moçambique, 1929). Domingo [Maputo] (30 November 1986), p.5. In Portuguese.
◊ 28 December 1986
Fim do ano na literatura. Domingo [Maputo] (28 December 1986). In Portuguese.
◊ 15 January 1987
Fátima Mendonça. José Pedro da Silva Campos. Domingo [Maputo] (15 January 1987), p.5. In Portuguese.
◊ 8 February 1987
Fátima Mendonça. Sant’Anna, Glória. Domingo [Maputo] (8 February 1987), p.5. In Portuguese..
◊ 8 February 1987
Hélder Muteia. O poeta das angústias em espelho dos dias. Domingo [Maputo] (8 February 1987). In Portuguese.
◊ 7 March 1987
Luís de Sousa Rebelo. A memória consentida de Rui Knopfli: conclusão. Diário de Moçambique [Beira] (7 March 1987). In Portuguese.
◊ 29 March 1987
Calane da Silva. Este túmulo cavado para lá das lágrimas. Domingo [Maputo] (29 March 1987). In Portuguese.
◊ 19 July 1987
Gilberto Matusse and José Cunha. Sou um contador de histórias: Ungulani ba ka Khosa em entrevista a Gazeta. Tempo [Maputo] no.875 (19 July 1987), p.42-46. In Portuguese.
Ualalapi Orgia das Loucos
◊ 31 August 1987
Steve Mpofu. Book fair exposes young authors to the world. Herald [Harare] (31 August 1987). In English.
◊ 6 September 1987
Adelino Jorge Fernandes. A escolha da semana: Ualalapi, um talente, um SIDA histórico. Domingo [Maputo] (6 September 1987). In Portuguese.
◊ 15 October 1987
Lina Magaia. É proibido não dizer a verdade neste país. Notícias [Maputo] (15 October 1987). In Portuguese.
Dumba Nengue Dumba Nengue: Run for Your Life Duplo Massacre em Moçambique Delehta
◊ 13 December 1987
Juvenal Bucuane. A escolha da semana: requiem com olhos secos, impressões poéticas de Juvenal Bucuane sobre a tragédia de Mbuzini. Domingo [Maputo] (13 December 1987), p.5. In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 290 kb.
◊ 17 July 1988
Paulo Sérgio. O escritor escreve para educar não para exibir-se, afirma Arrone Fijamo. Tempo [Maputo] no.927 (17 July 1988), p.48-50. In Portuguese.
◊ 11 December 1988
Nelson Saúte. A inadiável viagem do poeta para Ítaca. Tempo [Maputo] no.948 (11 December 1988), p.46-48. In Portuguese.
◊ 18 December 1988
Fátima de Oliveira. A intertextualidade: proposta de análise semiótica da obra Xitala-Mati de Aldino Muianga. Tempo [Maputo] no.960 (18 December 1988), p.14-18. In Portuguese.
Magustana Xitala Mati
◊ 15 May 1989
Lançado mais um livro de Juvenal Bucuane. Notícias [Maputo] (15 May 1989). In Portuguese.
O Raiz e o Canto Requiem Com Olhos Secos Xefina
◊ July 1989
Rui Knopfli. Carta para Moçambique: o denominador comum. À memória de Alexandre Lobato, Homero Branco, Gulamo Khan, moçambicanos até ao fim. Revista Colóquio/Letras [Lisbon] no.110-111 (July 1989), p.99-107. In Portuguese.
◊ 9 February 1992
Prémio para Eduardo White. Público [Lisbon] (9 February 1992). In Portuguese.
◊ April 1993-30 June 1993
Ana Mafalda Leite. [Untitled book review]. Notre Librairie [Paris] no.113 (April 1993-30 June 1993), p.111-112. In French.
Monção A Inadiável Viagem Vinte e tal novas formulações e uma elegia carnívora
◊ 7 March 1994
Primeiro congresso sobre Miguel Torga. Século de Joanesburgo [Johannesburg] (7 March 1994). In Portuguese.