Helen Papanikolas
Utah State Universit
read, also,
1. Research Frontiers, Academic Margins: Helen Papanikolas and the Authority to Represent the Immigrant Past by Yiorgos Anagnostou click here
2. Helen Papanikolas: Obituary and Bibliography by Yiorgos Anagnostou click here
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The commotion in Greek Town reached the nearby grade school, traveled up the one-street western town to Steamboat Mountain, the great jutting rock studded with junipers on its slopes, and circled the imposing two-story yellow brick YMCA that faced the railyards. In the yards coal trains from the thirty-two surrounding mining camps were taking on water for
their long haul to eastern cities.
“The Demopoulos name lives in America!” was the cry resounding again and again. Children beat on pans; women with dishtowels
tied about their heads stayed the paddles holding dough for their outdoor ovens, and men toasted each other. “At last, a boy is born to the Demopoulos clan! May he live and give joy!” Until then the two older Demopoulos brothers, Gus and Pete, already portly
and nearly bald, had only daughters, but now, the youngest of them, Chris, the handsome one, albeit with the family’s prominent nose,
was the father of a son! Forget that the child’s mother was an Amerikanidha and that Chris was forced to marry her at the point of her
father’s gun…
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