Harrison, Jane Ellen, 1850-1928
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Scope of the Book. The present sketch does not aim at any complete survey, however brief,of the facts of Greek religion ; it is not a handbook.Still less does it aim at setting down in an elementary form the rudiments of the subject; it is not a primer. Rather it is, in the
Greek sense, a historia an inquiry into the nature of Greek religion ; an attempt to see whence it came and whither it tended ; how it
resembles and how it differs from other religions. Especially its object is to ask and, if it may be,
o answer the question :” What in Greek religion is characteristically Greek ?”
Two Factors in Religion; Ritual and Mythology.Every religion contains two elements. There is first what a man thinks about the unseen, his theology, or, if we prefer so to call it,
his mythology ; second, what he does in relation to this unseen his ritual. In primitive religions, though these two elements are clearly to be distinguished, they are never, or very rarely, separable. In all living religions these two elements are informed and transfused by a third impulse that of each man’s personal emotion towards the unseen, his sense of dependence on it, his fear, his hope, his love.
Greek Mythology studied hitherto…
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