Rien van de Weygaert
Kapteyn Institute, University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands
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The Apeiron, from which the elements [are formed],
is something that is dierent”
Anaximander of Miletus (610-546 B.C.)
Pentelic mountain, solid rock in the city of the goddess Athena, patron of wisdom. In search of the foundations of our world there is hardly a more symbolic site. It welcomed us for a two-day expedition to the outer reaches and rst instances of our cosmos, a \symposion” on the origin,evolution and future of the world. To Athens Pentelic mountain fulls a similar role as the city itself
does to the human quest for the very origins and workings of humanity, the world, the cosmos. Its quarries provided the \elements” for the eternal, solemn and awe-inspiring monuments that still stand as testimony for an epoch in which humanity reached out for unprecedented, thrilling and almost divine heights of intellectual endeavour, creativity, and inspiration ! The city, obedient to her patron of wisdom, likewise passed on the elements and foundation for scientic inquiry. Perhaps unsurpassed in beauty and profoundness, it is Raaello’s \Scuola di Atene” which embodies the most proper expression of gratitude and respect owed by the
whole world to ancient Greek society…
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