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Three Miniatures
Iryna Vilde
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Translated by Khrystyna Bednarchyk
Original publication: Iryna Vilde, “Legenda pro son,” “V tomu vsia bida,” and “Ty” in her Tvory v piaty tomakh [Collected Works in Five Volumes], Vol. 5, Opovidannia i povisti. Zustrichi i lysty. Miniatiury, Kyiv: Dnipro, 1968, pp. 332, 333, 12–13.
Vilde, Iryna [Вільде, Ірина; Vil’de] (pseudonym of Daryna Polotniuk), b 5 May 1907 in Chernivtsi, d 30 October 1982 in Lviv. Writer. She graduated from Lviv University in 1933 and then worked as a teacher and contributed to the journal Zhinocha dolia in Kolomyia (1933–9). Under Soviet rule she wrote for Pravda Ukrainy as a special correspondent and headed the Lviv branch of the Writers’ Union of Ukraine. Her work was first published in 1930. Some of her prose works from the prewar period are Povist’ zhyttia (The Novelette of Life, 1930), the anthology of short stories Khymerne sertse (The Whimsical Heart, 1936), the novelettes Metelyky na shpyl’kakh (Pinned Butterflies, 1936) and B’ie vos’ma (The Clock Strikes Eight, 1936), and novelettes based on the life of the intelligentsia and students, such as Povnolitni dity (Grown-up Children, 1939). Her postwar works include Istoriia odnoho zhyttia (The History of One Life, 1946), Nashi bat’ky roziishlysia (Our Parents Have Separated, 1946), Stezhynamy zhyttia (Along the Paths of Life, 1949), Iabluni zatsvily vdruhe (The Apple Trees Have Blossomed Again, 1949), Kury (Chickens, 1953), Nova Lukavytsia (1953), Zhyttia til’ky pochynaiet’sia (Life Is Just Beginning, 1961), and Troiandy i ternia (Roses and Thorns, 1961). In all of those works Vilde showed herself a master at describing the life of Galicians from a variety of social classes. The work most highly rated by literary critics is the novel Sestry Richynski (The Richynsky Sisters, 2 vols, 1958, 1964), in which she portrays the intelligentsia and townspeople from a wide range of social backgrounds. A collected edition of Vilde’s works, Tvory (Works, 4 vols, 1967–8), has been published, as well as a Russian translation in five volumes (1958).
Val’o, Mariia. Iryna Vil’de (Kyiv 1962)
Val’o, Mariia; Lazeba, E. Iryna Vil’de: Bibliohrafichnyi pokazhchyk (Lviv 1972)
Ivan Koshelivets
[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]24grammata.com, Ukrainian literature (writers in ukranian and in Russian language) click here.
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…they were talking with the same language, for the same man, until the banks came…Ahmatova, Gogol, Vilde and many others prove the unity of a tribe, the health of a language.
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Σιωπηλή διαμαρτυρία κατά του επικείμενου πολέμου στην Ουκρανία. Προωθήστε τούτη σελίδα
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link: http://www.24grammata.com/?p=45205
24grammata.com, Ukrainian literature (writers in ukranian and in Russian language) click here.
Anna Akhmatova, poems here
Taras Shevchenko, Selections here
Nikolai Gogol, The Government Inspector here
short stories
Panteleimon Kulish, The Black Council here
Spyrydon Cherkasenko, The Little Hunchback here
Mikhail Bulgakov, The Heart of a Dog here
Taras Prokhasko, The UnSimple here
Iryna Vilde, Three Miniatures here
Vasyl Gabor, The High Water here
Yuri Pokalchuk, The Temple of Poseidon here
Volodymyr Drozd, Everything All Over Again here
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