Dr. Evangelia Balta, Director of Studies (Institute for Neohellenic Research/ National Hellenic Research Foundation).
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The study gives an insight into the histor ical and economicgeography of the Southeast Peloponnese frorm the mid- fifteenth
century until the morrow of the second Ottomaill conquest in 1715.
It necessa rily covers also the period of Venetialll rule, whiciL was the intermezzo between the first and second perio.ds of Ottoman rule.
By utilizing the data of an Ottoman archivrul material, I try to compose, as far as possible, the picture ())f that part of the
Peloponnese occupied by Mount Pamon, which begins to t he south of the District of Mantineia, extends througlhout the D:istrict of Kynouria (in the Prefecture of Arcadia) , includes the east poart of the District of Lacedaimon and the entire District of Epidavros Limira (in the Prefecture of Laconia), and ends at Cape Malea. 1 The Ottoman archival material available to me for this particular area comprises certain unpublished fiscal registers of the Morea, deposited in the Ba§bakal1lIk Osmal1lI Al”§ivi in Istanbul, which I have gathered together over the last decade, in the course of collecting testimonies on the Ottoman Peloponnese. The material r have gleaned is very fragmentary in relation to what exists and I therefore wish to stress that th e information presented here for the first time does not derive from an exhaustive archival study for the area…
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