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E. H. Carr

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Edward Hallett Carr was born in 1892 and educated at the Merchant Taylors’ School, London, end Trinity College, Cambridge. He joined the Foreign Office in 1916, and, after numerous jobs in and connected with the F.O. at home and abroad, he resigned in 1936, and became Wilson Professor of International Politics at the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth. He was Assistant Editor of The Times from 1941 a, 1946, Tutor In Politics at Balliol College, Oxford, from 1953 to 1955, and became a Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1955. Among his many publications are: The Romantic Exiles, The Twenty Year’s Crisis 1919-1939, Conditions of Peace, The Soviet Impact on the Western World, The New Society (1951). The first six volumes of his large-scale History of Soviet Russia has been published in Pelicans, including the Bolshevik Revolution, The Interregnum, and two volumes of Socialism in One Country.