
the geoeconomy24grammataThanos Garagounis
Essay II.: Geoeconomy
The Geoeconomy of Value culture, postmodernity, space

Σειρά : εν καινώ
Αθήνα, 2013
Αριθμός σειράς: 51 (09/07/2013)
ISBN: 978-618-80809-0-4 free ebooks
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έργα του ιδίου από τις ηλ. εκδόσεις

  1. Εισαγωγή στην Ανθρωπογεωγραφία, Θάνος Γκαραγκούνης  κλικ εδώ
  2. Η Καταναλωτική Κοινωνία κλικ εδώ 
  3. Θάνος Γκαραγκούνης, Η έννοια του χώρου στη Δυτική Φιλοσοφία κλικ εδώ
  4.  ΠΟ(Π)ΛΙΤΙΣΜΙΚΗ ΓΕΩΓΡΑΦΙΑ ~Αναγνώσεις~ κλικ εδώ
  5. Essay II.: Geoeconomy The Geoeconomy of Value culture, postmodernity, space κλικ εδώ

Introduction ____________________________________6
Dialectics of space: Karl Marx and David Harvey
Introduction ________________________________________23
Exchange and Use Value____________________________
Spatial Fix and Time Space Compression_____________
Spectral geography: Jacques Derrida
Introduction ________________________________________46
Spectres of Utility___________________________________
Spacing and Chora__________________________________
Geophilosphy: Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari
Introduction ______________________________________58
Folding, Unfolding and Refolding Space______________
Ethics of the Event : Alain Badiou
Introduction ________________________________________72
Subtractive Ontology_______________________________
The Event_________________________________________
Consumption and Space: Jean Baudrillard and
Zygmunt Bauman
The Systemic Nature of Consumption________________ 98
The Geography of the Consumer Society_____________
Conclusion ___________________________________136
Bibliography _________________________________138 free ebooks
[κατέβασέτο/ download]free ebooks on Classical Literature and History click here


A shorter version of the present essay was presented at CUA ANNUAL CONFERENCE Market vs Society; Human Principles and Economic Rationale in Changing Times in Corinth, Greece, 27-29 May 2011 organized by University of Peloponnesus.
Eventually, it is now extended and enriched. As was promised in my last book The Concept of Space in Continental Philosophy Kant, Foucault, Derrida (ISBN: 978-960-93-5019-8) published in Greek earlier this year, the present effort attends to the way economy and culture interact and penetrate each other through the medium of space –the latter being both a way to see and an object of study. I argued there that space is neither a
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sign nor an idea, nor matter nor simply an object that is easily observed or stands peacefully out there waiting to be grasped, studied or mapped, but a process obeying a double bind theorization; space being both a category of the mind (Kant’s famous declaration in his first critique) and a social construction (as in Foucault’s discursive depiction of the clinic and the mad), only in order to be suspended by Derrida’s, Butler’s and Merleau-Ponty’ breaks of materialization and bodily space.
I suggested moreover, that this is the case not because Kant and Foucault are somehow irreversibly wrong, but precisely because the assumption of space being an idea and/or a social construction is only possible due to the breaks of materialization and bodily space. My conception of space took mostly from authors that conceive of it as a movement being in process and this is why, as Derrida (1978) prefers… free ebooks
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