Geographical Αnalysis
A poststructuralist approach
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ηλ. εκδόσεις (σειρά εν καινώ)
Αριθμός σειράς: 56
ISBN: 978-618-80809-1-1
Introduction ………………………………….. 4
1. Semiotics Revisited……………………21
2. Nature and Society Revisited.. 60
3. Hymenditerranean Spatialities…..100
4. Void Mediterranean ……………….154
5. Mythical Spaces ………………… 198
Conclusion ……………………………… 227
References…………………………………… .229
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Geography is not always easy to define. It is, more often than not, a much contested and controversial discipline, though one may still consider this as part of its everlasting and irresistible charm. Sadly or otherwise, we will not be able to start from scratch then, from the very beginning, as if nothing was given or accepted in advance, in a Cartesian way, in the mood of cogito ergo sum for example: take nothing for granted and accept only doubt as the foundation of thought. Rather we have to start exactly ‘from where we are’ as Derrida (1976) placed it in Of Grammatology; ‘in the middle of things’ as Merleau Ponty (1962) affirms in his Phenomenology of Perception.
Fortunately, geography is about science as much as it is about love, art and literature. It is, then, above all, a mode of thought. By that we do not presume that it has nothing to do with the real world out there; that it is completely defiant of or arrogantly allergic to a corresponding reality that supposedly matches or is susceptible to the signifying chain. Subject and object, real and virtual are not easily defined in the geographical world. They are posed, rather loosely and ambivalently. They relate, for example, and make sense only when set against each other in a similar manner the differences of language are posed negatively, as de Saussure issued in his Course of General Linguistic. Mostly, because they concern monads in the way put by Leibniz in his Monadology or relations and relations are hard to define permanently, exactly because they change and evolve amidst a process of an extraordinary mingling, producing not things but more likely than not, more complicated and varied, though interesting and worthy as well, relations…
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