Temma Kaplan, Professor of History, Ph.D., M.A., Harvard University
Feminist Studies 11, No. 1 (1985), pp. 163-171
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[Each March 8, I relate to my women’s studies classes the story of International Women’s Day. lt’s a story I have had recounted to me numerous times and therefore know weil. A spontaneous demonstration staged by New York Oty women garment and textile workers in 1857, protesting low wages, the twelve-hour workday, and increasing work loods, was dispersed by the police, rather brutally. Many women were arrested; some were trampled by the érowds. Fifty years later, on the anniversary of that demonstration, International Women’s Day was established in their memory. My students respond to this story with an emotion best described as gratitude. March 8 usually coincides with that moment in the semester when they feel most the weight of women’s oppression: theyare hungry for knowiedge of women’s resistance. The wamen garment workers of New York Oty fill their needs for heroic foremothers.24grammata.com- free ebook (κατηγορία: επιστημονικές μελέτες)